| 1. | The classical examples are strain gage devices . 传统的例子是应变仪装置。 |
| 2. | The strain gage based on mechanical principles is the scratch gage . 以机械原理为基础的应变计是刻痕应变计。 |
| 3. | Two basic forms of the resistance strain gage are the bounded and the unbounded types . 电阻应变片有粘贴式和非粘贴式两种基本形式。 |
| 4. | The interferometric strain gage offers a method for measuring strain without actual use of a gage . 干涉应变计提供了一种实际上不用仪器测量应变的方法。 |
| 5. | It is advisable to employ a strain gage of one form or another to measure the surface strains directly . 最好是用这样或那样的应变计把表面应变直接测出来。 |
| 6. | Range represents the maximum strain which can be recorded without resetting or replacing the strain gage . 量程表示无需重调或重装应变计就能记录到的最大应变。 |
| 7. | For very large strains, where specimen enlongations of 100 percent may be encountered, liquid-metal strain gages can be used . 若应变非常大,例如,有的试件可能遇到100的伸长,这时,可用液态金属应变计。 |
| 8. | Although strain gage balances have been most useful in transonic and supersonic tunnels, they are by no means excluded from lowspeed work . 虽然,应变天平最适用于接近音速和跨超音速风洞,但丝毫不意味着不能用于低速实验。 |
| 9. | Standard guide for installing bonded resistance strain gages 安装耦合电阻应变仪 |
| 10. | Standard practice for analysis of strain gage rosette data 应变片花数据分析标准规范 |